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A 3 month circle to re-discover your unique creative spark and your authentic voice. 

In this circle we use The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron as a structure to explore: 

-What Creativity means to YOU

-What delights you 

-How to keep your creative energy alive even when you are busy or stressed

-And how to have a deeper connection and trust to your creative impulses that define your artistry 
We meet 1x / week over zoom, review the chapter as well as play with prompts, games, and material as a way to get you back in your flow.  

The weekly meetings are a space to come as you are, and set aside time to do the work of this very powerful book.  

Email us to find out about the next circle:

What Graduates of the Ignite Your Creativity Circle have to say....

"Going through The IGNITE your Creativity Circle with an accountability group was a powerful and enlivening experience. Alison is a wonderful facilitator who brings incredibly supportive and playful energy and wisdom to every interaction. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to reconnect with more of their creativity." 

Lenore Kantor 

Founder to 

Growth Warriors


"This group is SO powerful. I feel this process creating powerful shifts in every area of my life. It's giving me access to parts of myself I never knew were there. I finally understand that oft quoted spiritual truth that the joy is in the journey." 

Amy Soucy 
Founder of Embodied & Unshakable 
& Singer Songwriter 


"At the end of the circle I was sad because I felt accepted in this space. This helped me see myself as an artist. I would never call myself that before. The book, and everyone in the circle helped me get back in touch with owning that I am an artist. I'm celebrating my inner rebel, and accepting that part of me; Being free and weird people together was really great!"

Ava Farkas
Community Organizer & Artist


"I learned it's okay to let my inner child out to play, and I can feel that she is there no matter what; I can still feel my inner child's vibrancy even when there isn't acceptance for her expression. Thank you for your playful and courageous and always on leadership and inspiration!"

Bonnie Perry
Painter and Grandma


"I got so much out of The Ignite your Creativity Circle, that I did it a second time. The group, and the way it was organized really helped me re-connect to my deep love of being a singer who performs. Through the process I found a pianist, and started singing again in NYC."

Camille Diamond
Director & Singer


"I loved The Ignite Your Creativity Circle so much I did it twice. The whole experience was life altering. Alison cares deeply about the people she leads."

Lynn Olsen 
Writer, Grandmother & Mystic


"If you've always thought about reading The Artist's Way, then I highly recommend doing Alison's Ignite Your Creativity Circle.  She has a special way of facilitating it that is awesome. I got so much out of this experience.  My biggest takeaway was shifting from creating so the "right" people like my work, to creating from a place of giving myself a gift."

Eric Love 

Founder of LARP Adventure Program 
& Musician 


"Thank you for the heart and soul you put into this circle; It's been a treat for me! I love the way you connect with everybody at all ages and where we are all coming from. The closing Ritual Show was SO MUCH FUN.  I had a blast sharing my dance.  What an experience!"

Lori Sokolov
Textile Artist & Dancer


"I really let myself be vulnerable in this circle...I learned that I feel deeply, and there's nothing wrong with that; I am learning to accept myself as I am, and also accepting others as they are. Just showing up to the circle, and being real and honest felt so good, and hard. I am learning my big feelings are just waves, and they make me exciting ,and beautiful. Maybe my sadness is a strength!"

Tatiana Falconi 
Marketing Director & Comic

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